Heaven and Earth – Early Medieval Treasures for Eternity

Archäologisches Museum Colombischlössle

from 4th July 2024

Foto: Patrick Seeger

Heaven, hell or paradise? The question of whether there is life after death and what it looks like has preoccupied people since time immemorial. The ideas that existed in the religious world of the early Middle Ages and how the deceased were treated at that time are shown in staged burial rituals and precious grave goods in the new treasure chamber of the Colombischlössle.

Celts for kids – A journey into the Iron Age

Archäologisches Museum Colombischlössle

30 November 2023 – 11 May 2025

Photo: Patrick Seeger

Through the comic heroes Asterix and Obelix, the Celts are known as comical ruffians. But what were people really up to in the Iron Age? How did they live here in Breisgau? An interactive discovery tour shows that the Celts were not only courageous heroes, but also pioneers in arts and crafts. They travelled far and wide and traded. Unique finds, hands-on stations and illustrations invite children and young people on an exciting journey through time.


Photo: J. Lipták

23. Oktober 2025 – 8. März 2026

Urformen – Figürliche Eiszeitkunst Europas

Archäologisches Museum Colombischlössle

Zur Entwicklung von Kulturen gehören künstlerische Ausdrucksformen. Schon vor bis zu 42.000 Jahren entstehen in ganz Europa erste Tier- und Menschenfiguren. Für die Ausstellung wurden einige altsteinzeitliche Objekte aus Originalmaterialien wie Mammut-Elfenbein nachgebildet. Anfassen ist hier ausdrücklich erlaubt. Das Projekt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weltkultursprung und der Universität Tübingen ergänzen in Freiburg hochkarätige Originale.