Freundeskreis Museum Natur und
Mensch Freiburg e. V.

The motto of the Freundeskreises Museum Natur und Mensch Freiburg e. V. is 'Museums need friends'. The Association of Friends supports and accompanies the various activities of the museum. The association provides the museum with financial and the personal support of its members in its two specialised fields of natural history and ethnology. The aim is to raise public awareness of the need to treat other cultures, nature and the environment with respect.

For more information, please visit the Associaton of Friends website.

Photo: Axel Killian

Partners and Sponsors

Partners and Sponsors

Funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg

  • 2022: Provenance Research Cameroon
  • 2021: Digitisation of the Africa Collection

Funded by the German Lost Art Foundation

  • 2023/2024: The S.M.S. Cormoran, German 'punitive expeditions' in Oceania and the Ethnological Collection of the Museum Natur und Mensch. On the relationship between colonialism and the Ethnographic Collection
  • 2020/2021: Provenance research on the Oceania Collection of Eugen and Antonie Brandeis

Badischer Landesverein für Naturkunde und Naturschutz e. V.

The Badischer Landesverein für Naturkunde und Naturschutz e. V. (BLNN) and the Museum Natur und Mensch have a long and interwoven history dating back to their respective founding. The BLNN and the Museum Natur und Mensch share a common interest in environmental education and scientific topics, particularly those relating to the southern Upper Rhine region. The BLNN and its working groups organise public lectures and excursions on nature conservation, regional and natural history. Since 1882, the BLNN has published regular reports on a variety of subjects, including those covered by the museum. The BLNN office and library are located in the museum. The BLNN working group, Freiburger Entomologischer Arbeitskreis (FREAK), meets monthly in the museum's educational workshop.

Partnership with Auerhuhn im Schwarzwald e. V.

The Museum Natur und Mensch has been partnering with Auerhuhn im Schwarzwald e. V. since 2022 to present the annual temporary exhibition 'From Egg to Chick'. During this period, the intervention exhibition entitled 'Black Grouse Chicks Wild and Free' has been designed with the specific intention of drawing attention to the precarious situation of this iconic Black Forest bird. It provides information, raises awareness of the need to protect this now rare bird and encourages support for appropriate action.